Stroll romantic streets, explore lovely parks and gardens and savour the local food and drink culture in this affluent waterfront district of Lima.
Climb cliffs for ocean views, before descending the coastal walkway and crossing the Bridge of Sighs to reach the shore.
San Isidro is known for its ample dining options, and you can make a stop by Camino Real Mall and Lima Golf Club while in the area.
Unique features of Lima Historic Center include the historical sites and shopping. Make a stop by Church and Convent of San Francisco or Plaza de Armas de Lima while you're exploring the area.
You'll enjoy the bars and live music in San Miguel. You might want to make time for a stop at Plaza San Miguel Mall or Leyendas Park.
Create unforgettable memories with our Cercado de Lima holiday packages, which start from a low . Select the flights and hotels that fit your travel plans. Then, add on a few sightseeing activities for a memorable getaway.
Combine your bookings with Expedia to save big on your next trip. With more than 550 air carriers and 1 000 000 hotels across the globe, your Cercado de Lima holiday package can be customized exactly to suit your budget. With all that extra money, why not throw in a few awesome activities and tours? It's an easy way to unlock even more discounts. The holiday you've always dreamed of in Cercado de Lima is much closer than you thought!
Stay close to the action. Many visitors like to book hotels in the vicinity of top sights, like Plaza de Armas de Lima, Plaza San Martin and National Stadium.
Hostal Yaki and Grand Bolivar are two of the most sought-after properties in Cercado de Lima. Why not look up the rates and facilities at each and then decide?
While not all airlines advertise ticket prices early, you can usually compare international fares on Expedia up to a year in advance. This is the time when you'll score some incredible bargains. If you're purchasing tickets last minute, you might get lucky. Low prices occasionally become available only weeks prior to departure.
That depends on what you want. If you're travelling alone, you might decide to bundle hotels and flights. Bringing the whole family to Cercado de Lima? A travel package including rental cars, flights and hotels might suit you better. Expedia gives you the flexibility and freedom to build your own travel package.
A travel package can be customized for your budget and is a terrific way to make your money go further. How little or much you include is your call. Hotels, rental cars and flights — decide on a combination that works with your plans.
You certainly can. We have more than 550 airline partners throughout the world, so go with the carrier that matches your travel needs.
Because we understand life can be unpredictable, the answer is yes. For more information, head to our Customer Service Portal. But generally speaking, if you've booked your Cercado de Lima holiday package in the last 24 hours, you may be able to change or cancel it for free. Your hotel, airline or car rental company may impose a fee if you made your booking a while ago.