What to do in Curral das Freiras

Activities, attractions and tours

Pico do Ariero which includes a sunset and mountains
Pico do Ariero which includes a sunset and mountains
Pico do Ariero featuring mountains and a sunset
Pico do Ariero featuring mountains
Pico do Ariero featuring signage

Places to Visit in Curral das Freiras

Ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Let Expedia.co.nz help you find the most exciting and fun things to do in Curral das Freiras, Camara de Lobos while also allowing you to save a ton on travel arrangements. Regardless of whether you’re an urban explorer or an intrepid outdoor enthusiast, we can help you decide exactly what to do and see during your time in town.

Our thorough travel guides offer you an insider’s perspective on all of the best Curral das Freiras attractions from NZ$17, making it easy for you to decide which places to visit and when. And by using Expedia.co.nz to set your sightseeing schedule, you can take in more of the enchanting attractions this area is famous for.

From group Curral das Freiras tours and must-see landmarks to personal guides who take you off-the-beaten track, Expedia.co.nz offers you over 516 of the most popular events, activities, and attractions in this corner of the world. So whether you’re travelling alone, alongside a loved one, or with the whole family in tow, be sure to browse through our extensive travel guides prior to your plane touching down in this spectacular Curral das Freiras. We even have a massive selection of flights, car hires, and accommodation for you to choose from. So what are you waiting for? Start your search today, and you’ll be having the time of your life before you know it.

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Most fun & popular experiences in Curral das Freiras

Cruises & boat tours

See all 43 activities

Tours & day trips

See all 471 activities

Private & custom tours

See all 130 activities

Shows & concerts

See all 3 activities

Holiday & seasonal tours

See all 9 activities

What to do in Curral das Freiras

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Day trip destinations from Curral das Freiras