Take a step back in time and soak in thearchitectural majesty at the Frankfurt Cathedral. This sacred site dating backto the Holy Roman Empire witnessed the crowning and glory of the ChristianEmperors until 1806 when the Empire was dissolved. Join a free tour and widenyour historical knowledge in one of the city’s most treasured destinations.
The original name of the FrankfurtCathedral is St. Bartholomew’s Cathedral. The church’s first known existencedates back to the year 852, but the building has been extensively reconstructedover the centuries. Many features of this spectacular cathedral were put inplace in the 15th century and are still part of the structure today.
Though badly damaged during Allied bombingin World War II, the cathedral walls remained standing. The building remainedunused and in ruins until the 1950s and was renovated in the 1970s. Keep an eyeout for irregularities and abstract shapes on the stained-glass windows, whichmemorialise the church’s recent damage and reconstruction.
After seeing the cathedral’s soaringinner beauty, climb the majestic spire and see the beauty surrounding it. Enjoypanoramic summer views of Frankfurt’s Old Town and beyond from this tower thatwas the highest point in the city until the Henninger Turm was built in the1960s.
On your way out, be sure to visit thecathedral museum, which is to the left of the main entrance. Here, you’ll learnall about the church’s long history with the Roman Empire and see colourfulrobes and jewelled crowns that were used in coronation ceremonies. You can alsosee photo exhibits on the journey the church has taken since its reconstructionfollowing World War II.
Frankfurt Cathedral is open every day ofthe week, but the museum is closed on Mondays. The cathedral is within walkingdistance of the Old Town U-Bahn station or by tram. Ample parking is alsoprovided in the area.
Both the museum and the spire charge asmall admission fee and the spire is open only between April and October.