Oneof the oldest shopping centres in the world, today the Galleria VittorioEmanuele II is a mecca for luxury shopping, with signature Italian labels suchas Gucci and Prada calling it home. The four-storey gallery is also luxuriousin its design. If you have money to spend, come to splash some cash inexpensive stores and fine dining restaurants. Those on a smaller budget canappreciate the architecture and seek out reasonably priced souvenirs, althoughyou’d be wise to eat elsewhere even a coffee will cost you a small fortune inthe fancy cafés that line the galleries.
Oneof the oldest shopping centres in the world, today the Galleria VittorioEmanuele II is a mecca for luxury shopping, with signature Italian labels suchas Gucci and Prada calling it home. The four-storey gallery is also luxuriousin its design. If you have money to spend, come to splash some cash inexpensive stores and fine dining restaurants. Those on a smaller budget canappreciate the architecture and seek out reasonably priced souvenirs, althoughyou’d be wise to eat elsewhere even a coffee will cost you a small fortune inthe fancy cafés that line the galleries.
Flagshipstores, designer boutiques and specialty shops line the galleries. It’s nothard to see why Milan is the fashion capital of Italy. Sparkling dresses andsharp suits hang in the windows of iconic luxury labels such as Prada. Pick upa pair of Italian leather gloves or a locally made hat for a more affordablememento. Find the best bargains during end-of-season sales.
Finishthe day with lunch or dinner in one of the restaurants. If you’re not on abudget, splash out to enjoy an aperitivo in one of the bars to rub shoulderswith Milan’s elite. The evening drink often comes with a free snack.
GalleriaVittorio Emanuele II is located in the centre of Milan. It’s a short walk frommany attractions and hotels downtown, or you can catch the metro to the Piazzadel Duomo. The centre is open every day, with many of the restaurants and shopsopen well into the evening.